Regional action plans are coordinated efforts for partners to strategically address marine debris. Due to the complexity of marine debris issues, there is a role for everyone in the implementation of a plan, including the private citizen who picks up litter from our beaches and watersheds as well as governments, industries, non-governmental organizations, and academic institutions that support a wide range of activities like cleanups, research, education, and outreach. The Gulf of Mexico action plan was developed in partnership with the Gulf of Mexico Alliance and documents are available for download below.
Action Plan Tier 2 Document
This document lists projects and their progress to address the
Actions identified in Action Plan 3
AP3 Tier 2_MD CTI_v2.0.xlsx
GOMA Action Plan 3, Marine Debris Cross Team Initiative
The goal of this initiative is to assess, reduce, prevent, and
eliminate marine debris and aquatic trash in the Gulf of Mexico and
its watershed for the benefit of habitats, wildlife and fisheries,
humans, and the Gulf economy.
APIII 40.pdf
Gulf of Mexico Alliance Action Plan 3
"We the Gulf States, share the responsibility for a healthy
environment and strong economy in the Gulf of Mexico and the Alliance
represents what can be achieved when we work together to address
common priorities." - Philip Hinesley, AL Department of
Conservation and Natural Resources
APIII (1).pdf